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Kia Taggar 

I have danced many different styles of Ballet Including, ABT, RAD, and Russian. 


I have been teaching Moving to Music for two years and love the change to share my passion for dance. 


Leela Taggar and I are the 2016 leading girls and building communities award winners!

Leela Taggar 
Leela Taggar 

I have always loved ballet and dreamed of dancing professionally. In fact, when I was younger, I would even write Santa, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy asking for more dance classes.


Summer 2017, I enjoyed attending L'Ecole Superiure de Ballet du Quebec.


Summer 2016, I enjoyed attending Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet School dancing six days a week, learning more about the Russian style and living with my four roommates.I especially enjoyed all the jumps.


Summer 2015, I enjoyed attending National Ballet School dancing five days a week. I especially enjoyed going on point every day.





Jayne Hembruff

I am the owner of Innovative wellness. As part of Innovative Wellness, I partnered with Kia and Leela Taggar to help create Moving to Music! 


At Innovative Wellness we offer a full set of services designed to assist individuals, families and organizations in achieving their wellness goals..

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